A rèir litir a fhuair mi ann an Dùbhlachd, 's urrainn do luchd-gabhaltais aig Corporaid Taigheadais Ghlaschu (GHA) Gàidhlig chleachdadh mar phàirt an sgèama Happy to Translate. Chan eil poileasaidh Gàidhlig sonraichte aca ge-tà.
Litir do GHA (10.12.2011)
"I would like for you and your own Board Members to consider implementing a Gaelic policy in your organisation. How your initial policy is worded or what aims it has are totally at your discretion; I just feel it is important when planning future strategies for your organisation that you are in a position to spare a thought to how the Gaelic language can play a part in your operations."
Freagairt bho GHA (21.12.2011)
"We are members of Happy to Translate which is an initiative set up to enable tenants and customers of public organisations to communicate either through interpretation or translation as appropriate. We have in place a procedure whereby we have immediate access to a network of interpreters for the required languages. As such it is not our intention at this time to implement a Gaelic specific policy."
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